Law, work

Don’t just Exist, Live

So I was struggling to think what I wanted to write about, a Sunday evening the thought of work tomorrow morning isn’t very inspiring….or it is ?

Flashback to a conversation I had with my colleague a few days ago, we were sat at our desks nattering away and then we got onto a deep conversation….money.

Pre warning: I LOVE my job! I know that there will be people reading this who will then find the need to comment about my work ethic or my negative opinion but this is just my ramblings. I constantly say how much I love my job so I thought I would clear that up.

I say this all the time, when you sit down and actually think about life it can be rather depressing. We are put into education from the age of 3 with most of us staying in studies until 21/22, the whole purpose of the education is to gear us up towards work. We are assessed on how clever we are for the sole purpose of getting a ‘good job’. We then are made to work until we retire at which point we are elderly.

My point is we are made to work so that we can afford to live but are we really living? We miss out on some of the best years of our lives once we get ‘trapped’ in the working world.

You see these people that travel the world and it is so taboo in todays society. When we see people travelling the world and doing the fun things our response tends to be ‘are they not going to get a job’ or ‘they’re too old to be doing that, they should be working’. I commend these people, they are living life and quite frankly I am jealous.

I would love to go and explore the world and visit different places but firstly you need money to do that, secondly I am at the start of my career and finally I am also trying to save to get a deposit for a house.

I’m not saying go out and quit your job but imagine a world where money didn’t exist. Where there was no such thing as ‘value’. I know it isn’t as simple as having no money and there is a lot of logistics to it but if we had no money we would have no poverty.

Imagine a world with no poverty, we would have no one living on the streets, there would be no class divisions everyone would be the same.

People could make the most of their lives rather than just surviving. We live in a society where everything has become more expensive and even getting a mortgage is difficult.

When you think about it, you have to pay to have a career! I was the first year of students who had to pay the increase in university fees. So for me to become a solicitor I have encountered approximately £55,000 worth of debt.

I know you’re probably thinking ‘well if theres no money, who is going to do the work’. Well this is a good point but we are living in a world where artificial intelligence is becoming more developed. Imagine if we had robots building our houses!

Like I said there is obviously a lot more to this I haven’t sat down and gone through all the details, this is just a brief insight to my wonderful thoughts. One thing I definitely certain is that there is so much more to life than money. I am the biggest advocate for time ! As cliche as it is, time is precious so make the most of it. Can we really say we are living our lives when we spend a majority of our time at work?

More people need to break the cycle, I don’t want to just ‘exist’ in life I want to make the most of the time that I have create memories and see amazing things. I still have approximately  40 years left in the working world and I promise myself that I when I retire I won’t look back at my years and wonder what I did with my life. I am going to have lived it to its fullest. wpid-img_136590544183329

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